LVAM Commodity Trading
Investments in commodities generally have a low correlation to other asset classes and are therefore suitable for diversification. LVAM Commodity Trading allows transparent direct investment in more than 80 different real assets, which last but not least can also provide inflation protection. You too can take advantage of the ongoing cycles of supply and demand in this recognized and fast-growing asset class.
Commodity markets have a tendency to exaggerate, which can be expressed in exorbitant price increases or implosion-like short falls. Especially for the risk-conscious investor, excellent market situations arise again and again, which offer partly enormous profit opportunities at a clearly defined risk.
LV Asset Management AG has comprehensive know-how and puts all its efforts into maintaining an information advantage over other market participants. We have combined our many years of experience and relationships into our financial service LVAM Commodity Trading, which excellently positions our clients in the middle of the commodity world. These are able to profit from this again and again at an above-average rate; also because we have been independent for over 20 years.
You too can take advantage of the market opportunities. We will be happy to provide you with comprehensive and transparent advice.
Your account
- Personal, individually managed commodity trading account.
- Top notch FCM (commodity brokers).
- Limited power of attorney for LVAM upon your order.
- No account fees.
- Daily account statement by email.
- All-in-one commission per traded contract.
- Highest cost transparency.
- Ongoing research of over 80 commodity markets.
- Personal Advisor.
- Current raw material information worldwide.
- Exclusive FCM.
- Fastest possible executions.
- Short-term use of special situations.
- Information about positions of other market participants.